A Mission on a Mission
ENCOURAGEMENT: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." (1st Corinthians 16:3)
BIBLE STUDY: Wednesdays, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, we hold an exciting, thought-provoking, life-changing Bible study. (2nd Timothy 2:15)
Please call the ministry prayer line at (605) 475-3220, pin #648415 at the time of the Bible study or by:ZOOM to connect to God's word for your growth and development.
PRAYER LINE: Every day, we will have a call-in prayer hour from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the ministry prayer line at (301) 577-3733 where you can call in a receive a prayer of reconciliation, help, comfort, etc.. The Ministry will call you if you call us! Call in and be blessed. Call in and get a prayer through! Be in the midst of fellow believers who are praying alongside you. Turn to God FIRST, not last. Don't waste your time on the world's wisdom.Amen.
HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE: We serve Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper on the 1st Sunday of each month. (1st Corinthians 11:24-32)
The first quarter of the 2022 year, the Ministry has completed two significant season(s) with God, a called Consecration fast and recently a four-part Biblical Financial Stewardship training evolution. We are believing God; For new, For restoration, For change!
Prepare for the Rapture Ministries is planning for it's 20th year in ministry Celebration. The dates for celebration will be 14-16 Oct. 2022. Details are being worked out and posted soon.
Encouragement: Greetings family,
Please take consolation in that it is my desire to serve you. In that, allow me to leave you with a Word of edification. Please read a prayer of David and exchange your name for his: Psalm 142:1-7.
Guide to Pray: ““Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1) Life is turbulent. Even keeping our families clothed, a roof over our heads, and food in our mouths is a constant work. Deadlines are hectic. trails come constantly. We need peace and we shall find it! There is peace in Christ Jesus. trust in the power of Hid=s resurrection and YOU shall see eternal, heavenly rest! Rejoice in that rest and preach the redemptive power of his resurrection in all the earth.. Amen.
SCRIPTURE MEMORY VERSE: "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." (Romans 12:12)
Greetings everyone,
I thank God for you, for you taking the time to read this insight God gave me. The insight is experiential. I mean, it is something for all who claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior AND all who claim the church to be his house.
I was at the dinner table with some fine folks and a wife made mention of being at her home church for the past thirty (30) years. That is a testimony!
Let me ponder this for a moment. This child of God made her mind up, she was going to stick with her church. Did you hear that, I said “stick with her church.” Reader, she made the church her intimate possession! She hung in with the ”church” in its fertile years and its barren years. She hung in with her church when there was feast and when there was famine. She hung in with her church when they made pastoral leadership changes. She hung in with her church when leadership changes were being made within the clergy. She hung in with her church when the deacon board made decisions (favorable or unfavorable). She hung in there when the usher board transformed itself every time a new member joined that auxiliary. She hung in there when the youth of the church were not always saints. She hung in there when the pastor asked the congregation for money (to fulfill the vision God had given). She hung in there when her spouse might not have gone to church that day. She hung in there when a church member did her wrong. You can only imagine what experiences one accumulates when you stay with something for thirty (30) years.
Dear reader, the point is: SHE HUNG IN THERE! She did not remove her membership because of some theological dispute. She did not remove her membership because she moved to another residence in the same city. She did not remove her membership when she had change(s) of employment. She did not stop going to church due to an incident within the church.
Dear reader, the church is not the place to exercise your will, but for the faithful to come under the will of the Father. He's the one who assigns. He's the one who dissolves. We are the ones who carry out His vision. How we do it is another thing. Have you considered all the detailed instruction God gave to Noah in constructing the Ark, how God gave Moses detailed instruction on how to construct the tabernacle, how God through his Son has given us detailed instruction on how we are to conduct ourselves.
What’s the focus of this word of encouragement: YOU HANG IN THERE. You are what makes the church what it is. You are the one who contributes to the success (or failure) of your church. You are the one who supports (or undermines) the leadership at the church. YOU are the one who determines if a new believer believes what the man of God is preaching. YOU are the one who is responsible for planting seeds in the community, which others would come to YOUR church.
I have made my mind up. I will serve the Lord at all times and will do what He calls me to do in the development of HIS church. The church; it is brick and mortar, it is a place of reason, it is a place of relief, it is a place of comfort, it is a place of family, it is a place to unburden one’s self. Yes, it is even a place to have a great meal, share laughter, and shake a hand. Dear reader, it is WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT. God has already declared his house as a ‘house of prayer.’ He’s already identified his church as a sanctuary for the tired, lonely, heartbroken, and weak of strength. It never was his intent for his house to be a place for thieves (Matthew 21:13) nor will it be in the future!
Bottom line: If you have gone to church, what did you make of it?
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and the power of his might, repeat this prayer: Father, I’m a sinner. I served Satan unknowingly. Father, I need you in my life. My life has not brought you any joy. Father, forgive me for I am a sinner. Come into my life that I might be one of your own. Restore me to the right relationship you desire of me through the testimony of your son, Jesus Christ. I receive you now as my Lord and Savior. Lead me; guide me to a Bible-teaching, Holy Ghost filled church, that I might call it my own also! In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.
Reader, if you have prayed this prayer, call me (Pastor Alston) at (301) 577-3733, and I will walk with you in your new-found joy!
Prepare for the Rapture Ministries, empowered by the Holy Spirit, exists to evangelize, to uphold, and promote Christianity through Godly experience, loving and sharing with one another, learning about you, experiencing your creativity and giving.
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